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About the Project
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) is commencing a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for a new proposed transformer station in the Town of Lincoln. NPEI is the local electricity distribution provider in the City of Niagara Falls, Town of Lincoln, Township of West Lincoln, and a portion of the Town of Pelham. We are proposing to build the Spring Creek Municipal Transformer Station (MTS) in the Town of Lincoln on Spring Creek Road between Mountain Road and Frost Road, adjacent to an existing Hydro One Networks Inc. (Hydro One) transmission line right-of-way on private property.
Need for the Project
The Spring Creek MTS is needed to meet growing energy demand, allowing for increased electrical capacity and providing resiliency to the distribution system in the Niagara Region. The Niagara Regional Planning processes, led by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and Hydro One, identified the need for additional electrical capacity in Lincoln, West-Lincoln and Grimsby.
The construction of the Spring Creek MTS will help fulfill this need by connecting into existing 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission circuits, providing an additional 102 megawatts (MW) for distribution within the surrounding areas. The transformer’s role is to step down energy from the 230 kV lines to deliver electricity to the surrounding area without overloading the existing grid.
Environmental Screening Process & Project Timeline
The Spring Creek MTS is subject to the Class EA for Transmission Facilities ( newly regulated under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act in February 2024. Because it will have an operating voltage between 115 kilovolts (kV) and 500 kV, under the Class EA process NPEI is initiating the Environmental Screening process for new transformer stations.
NPEI is committed to engaging with our neighbours, the general public and Indigenous communities throughout the project. We anticipate hosting a public meeting in the Fall of 2024 to present the results of the Environmental Screening and obtain feedback. A notice will be issued announcing a meeting with the general public to provide further details.
For project questions or comments please email